Stillorgan College is officially a Green Campus!

There was great celebrations in the college on Tuesday, 17 October when Stillorgan College was presented with its Green Flag to recognise its new status as a Green Campus.
Stillorgan College is officially a Green Campus!

The occasion marks over 6 years of work by the college's very active Green Campus committee.

The Green Campus programme is run by An Taisce in Ireland and encourages a partnership approach to environmental education, management and action in third level institutions. The Programme primarily aims to ensure that members of a campus community can engage in a meaningful way to enhance sustainability on campus.

Stillorgan CFE becomes the 21st Higher or Further Education college to achieve this distinction in the country.

The flag was presented to the college by Deirdre O'Carroll from an Taisce. Also present to mark the occasion was Cllr Eva Dowling, who congratulated the college in her capacity of Leas-Chathaoirleach of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council, and college Board of Management member, Ms Adriana Di Mascio.

To relive this memorable day, why not watch the highlights captured in this video:

17 2025
February mid-term break
17 2025
St Patrick's Day
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01 288 0704

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